
Type: Campaign concept / branding / packaging / OOH / social / experiential / presentation

Guinness Rebrand Campaign Design Why Wait Cans Open


Creative Comeback 2021

In 2020, I was selected to take part in the Creative Comeback programme by creative equals, where myself and my partner presented to clients D&AD and Diageo, who selected it as the winning idea. Watch a screen recording of the live pitch below, followed by the design concept (revised in 2023).


You have three days to meet your partner and, fully remotely, come up with both the idea and the execution of a brand new campaign to drive sales of canned Guinness to under thirty-fives.


A bold social campaign that speaks to our target audience; we identified that we are speaking to generation NOW. They are used to getting everything they want at the touch of a button, so #whywait?


Contemporary. Youth. Now.

Guinness Rebrand Campaign Design Why Wait Fly Posters Blue
Guinness Rebrand Campaign Design Why Wait Colourways Colour Palette
Guinness Rebrand Campaign Design Why Wait Packaging Beer Box Cans
Guinness Rebrand Campaign Design Why Wait Packaging Mini Stubby Tins Cans
Guinness Rebrand Campaign Design Why Wait Wall Posters Fly Posters
Guinness Rebrand Campaign Design Why Wait Wall Posters Fly Posters
Guinness Rebrand Campaign Design Why Wait Wall Posters Fly Posters
Guinness Rebrand Campaign Design Why Wait Tins Cans Packaging
Guinness Rebrand Campaign Design Why Wait Social Media Instagram Post Designs
Guinness Rebrand Campaign Design Why Wait Social Media Instagram Post In Phone

I worked on this project as a lead senior designer in a creative duo with Anna O’Callaghan and Creative Equals.