
Type: Concept / copy / illustration / personal project



I am Piggolo.


I was born a little Piggolo,

Much slimmer than my sis and bro.

I felt like I was out of place.

Because a proper pig

Is nice and big,

so I tried to get in shape.


I ate and ate and ate some more,

Until I could not leave the floor.

I made myself quite sick from food,

Aspired mudpie,

I longed that I

Might swell like a balloon.


But woe, alas, my body stayed

So trim and slim like nothing changed.

And all around the world beheld

A squealing swine,

Bound up in twine.

A threat for them to sell.


And so I learned to live this way,

To bow my head and hear them say

How I’ve become the drove’s disgrace.

Eat some cake,

For goodness sake!

Should take up far more space.


A lonely bath at the mud hole

I came across a kindred soul.

Invited me with trotters gloved,

Such lovely folk,

My soul awoke.

I saw I could be loved.


They taught me all about the war,

How they profit when we’re insecure.

How we’re targeted from our day of birth.

‘Be fat!’ they say. ‘One way

or another, you will pay!’

while they weaponise our worth.


And so I stayed, and learned to view

beyond the snouts and tails and hooves.

That we can’t tick from someone’s frame

a single box that we can name.

That the light that shines from deep within

cannot be seen through someone’s skin.

That every Piggolo, including me

must seek beyond their piggery.